Saturday 7 May 2022

It's out!!!

That's my girl! Go Sue!

The comic is finally online! Check it out if you want to know more about my work! 

Stay safe, folk!

Sunday 6 March 2022

OMG! I'm in another comic!

Ok, I was told Transmedia Tale was making another comic on my investigations... These are the covers that depict me... the resemblance is uncanny!

PS: Sue won't be as excited as me about this...

The previous comics are here

Monday 3 January 2022

Something in the House

Hey everyone. Before we get into this week’s post I want to say sorry for my absence. These people – XV3 – they’re the real deal and if we don’t stand up to them then they’ll keep hurting people. I’m not backing down, and if enough of us stand strong they’ll come up short. 


Glad to get that off my chest, now cue the metal and let’s take these suckers down!

One thing the mole said has been rattling around in my head over the week.

There’s something in the house.

Well first off what’s the something? Secondly, which house?

I’ll bet my signed copy of Philosopher’s Stone on it being the thing that’s causing all these injuries round town. As for which house, a few spring to mind, but nothing solid. I don’t want to label anything at the moment in case XV3 decides to move when they see I’ve exposed them.

I’ve removed my home address and everyone who already has it should delete it immediately. Associating with me has become dangerous and I won’t see any more good people being hurt.

Don’t you guys worry though. Abigail Preston is back on the case.

And no, I’d never actually risk that book.


Thursday 21 October 2021

Under surveillance

Hello there! Sorry for the long silence but things have become harder here since I talked with the mole. And I feel that my investigation is compromised... 

I think the XV3 knows where I live. I have noticed this black car going up and down the road for some days now. I took a note on a file every time I saw it. 5 times already, so it's not a coincidence. Sue believes that it's just a new neighbour who moved here, or someone who changed the car. Well, I know everyone on my road in this area of Brixton and I would've known!

I don't see why this car has to pull over in front of my house and stop there for hours. I'm too scared to confront them. But, as scared as I am, I'm also more determined to find out what they are doing in London and why they are interested in me. It's for my investigations, I'm sure. I'll keep an eye out for this vehicle and update you on the situation.

I feel I am on the right track and I won't let anyone cow me! I'm queenpreston2019!

Please, stay safe. The world is going mad.

Monday 19 July 2021

Someone is following me

Today I was walking to Marble Arch and I saw this black car more than once on the walk. I tried walking a different way, then I whatsapped Scary Sue. We spent the Freedom Day together. I saw this car again and again everywhere we went. I think I’m being followed.

If I don’t get back to you, then something might have happened.


Wednesday 23 June 2021

The comic about me is out!

The comic which illustrates my collaboration with Sue for my paranormal investigation is on ComiXology! Thanks to Transmedia Tale for this super gift <3 <3 <3 

You can buy the comic here


Saturday 19 June 2021

Digging Out the Mole

I’m still here everyone. I don’t know if XV3 saw that I was onto them or if I was just going crazy. Either way, something really terrible has happened. This morning my friend sent me this:

They’re onto me.

I’ve had my access to private files revoked and I’ve been seeing black cars follow me everywhere.
Beware of Blackburn, you’ll know him if you see him.

There’s something in the house. I don’t know what, they haven’t told me, but I know there’s something.

Goodbye Abigail Preston, and I’m sorry.

I don’t know what to do now. They’ve taken my source and they’re coming after me too. XV3 is dangerous. More dangerous than I gave them credit for. I’ve never been this scared before; I’ve talked about crocs in the drains and lizard men and cover-ups, but nothing has after come of it. I think in a lot of ways I liked it that way. This, real stuff, I don’t know if I can handle it...


It's out!!!

That's my girl! Go Sue! The comic is finally online! Check it out if you want to know more about my work!  Stay safe, folk!